What I wish guys know, would do, and wouldn't do when it came to interacting with girls:
Don't check out another girl while you are talking to us
Don't get mad if someone else thinks the girl you like is hot
Don't wear tight pants
Don't have long hair
Shave your face
Think before you say something hurtful
Don't lie because you think the truth won't make is happy. It's better to be honest.
BE A GENTLEMAN!! Open doors and all that studd. GIRLS REALLY LIKE THAT!
Listen when we talk. Talk while we listen.
Talk to us-- don't text.
Don't try to force affection.
Don't talk about other girls while you are with us.
Smell nice... old spice
Don't talk about your flaws.
Don't flirt with other girls when you have a girlfriend.
No hippy hair!
No sagging.
No skinny jeans.
Acknowledge that we are there by at least saying "hello" or something.
No texting while we are with you.
Don't talk bad about other people.
Be truthful.
Be polite.
Shave and brush your teeth.
Take out your headphones and talk to us.
Looks aren't everything.

What I wish young men knew/realized about teenage guys realized about girls:
We aren’t hard to figure out! Be smart enough to puck up on our hints. 
Men are logical thinkers. Women take 5 extra steps to get to the same conclusion. Just try to cope with it.
Women feel emotion as a “way to live”; men do not as much just by nature. Understand!
We really aren’t that complex and hard to understand.
We might not show it but most girls like a really polite guy, just don’t overdo it.
To express our feelings, we talk.
Guys misunderstand that girls talk to show they care about someone and girls often misinterpret “the silence” when there’s nothing to be said. It doesn’t say, “I don’t care about you.”
When we get mad or angry, don’t ignore us. Talk to us to understand the situation.  


What I wish girls knew about guys
When you are with a guy do not talk or text on the phone!
Don’t talk about Edward Cullen or Jacob
Know how to play video games
Play sports or know about sports
Don’t ever say you are FAT!
Don’t be dramatic!!
Don’t whine!
Never ask to watch “chick flicks”
Do NOT comment on other guy’s hot appearance
Don’t ask if this outfit makes you look fat—just don’t do it!
Don’t text us all the time.
Compliment us. 
Don’t talk about Twilight, other guys, purses, clothing, and other girly stuff
Please don’t expect us to buy everything for you.
Don’t be obnoxiously happy.
Stop being so “blonde” Don’t ask stupid questions.
No short hair.
Talk to us!!
Don’t talk about why you’re not perfect.
Dress nicer—instead of wearing lip flops and crappy –shirts all the time wear nice clothes and heels.
Brush your teeth. Your breath needs to smell good and your teeth shouldn’t be yellow.
Don’t play “hard to get”. It just makes guys mad!
If you don’t like a guy—tell him so you don’t waste his time and money.
Don’t be so excited all the time. It gets very aggravating.
Don’t expect me to text you all day long. I have a life with school, family, sports, etc.
Don’t say other guys are hot in front of me—unless you compliment me also 
Don’t talk like “blondes”

What I wish girls realized about guys
Some of use aren’t comfortable talking to girls so come up to us.
Some of us are just nerds—so accept it!
We like to mess around a lot with our guy friends.
We like to have fun and being all “dreamy” all the time is not in the itinerary for every hour of every single day. Be fun but not “drama queen” or dreamy all the time. It gets very annoying.
WE HATE drama and gossip!
Not all guys have dirty minds!
We really aren’t that interested in your girly problems.
We really aren’t that complicated.