kasargod(India) Endosulfan Tragedy

we know the nagasaki and hiroshima incident, we know bhopal gas tragedy, these are well known facts which caused thousands of death,But there is a less known fact endosulfan. what is endosulfan?
Endosulfan is an organochlorine compound that is used as an insecticide and acaricide. This colourless solid has emerged as a highly controversial agrichemical due to its acute toxicity, potential for bioaccumulation, and role as an endocrine disruptor.
A pesticide , banned in most of the countries, whilst used and manufactured extensively in India is said to have had caused serious effects like cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mental retardation, hydrocephalus etc, in people living in kasaragod district of kerala,135 people died as the result of its use.Endosulfan is banned in kerala, followed by karnataka and other states but the ban was revoked by the pesticide industry which scores a revenue of more than 4000 crores a year,in other states
Please spread this news about this monstrous agrochemical.

If you would like to contact/report/support the victims of this killer agrochemical, here is a link to their official website  http://www.endosulphanvictims.org/initiative.htm

check this site to see the victims of endosulfin http://www.endosulphanvictims.org/gallery.htm
The below document gives you a more detailed study of kasargod endosulfin tragedy