Awesome Reply 

A Senior Manager working in an MNC, as usual after lunch, goes to the  
cafetaria for coffee.  

He relaxes in canteen. He sees a canteen boy cleaning tables there.  

To Kill time he decides to have fun with him.  

He calls him.  

Senior Manager - (Asks canteen boy) : How much do you earn?  

Canteen boy smiles...  

Senior Manager - what are your future plans?  

Canteen boy keeps quiet...  

Senior Manager - where do you see yourself 10 years down the line?  

Canteen boy gives a cold stare.  

Senior Manager – When I came to Bangalore I din have anything…. Now I have everything… 

I Have Name in Society..........,  

I Have Money.........,  

I Have Respect............  

What do u have ?  

Canteen boy – Sir… I have Work....  

Senior Manager leaves the cafeteria silently.......