How To Dump A Girl In 10 Days


Never ever let her know your home address.

You should not meet her friends.  

Don't use your original phone number. Have a few spare mobile numbers.  

Never ever post or like anything in the "girls" profile but at the same time u should comment in your friends profile.

Don't be friends with her brother. It might end up in getting beaten up.  

When you start thinking of break up, you should get busy, less phone calls and less texts.  

Always break up over phone.

Always have a good reason or make up one. 

when u want to break up, pick up fight over even the smallest things and never give in at all.

 If she ever starts talking about engagement, marriage or having kids, its an alarm letting you know that "its time to dump her" or else it might end up hurting her big time.

 Last but not least"Never ever break up with out a back up."